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Celebrating Hanukkah as a Christian Family Turn2theSimple ~ Hanukkah celebrates the miracle of this lamp burning for eight days on only one day’s worth of oil Once the temple was ready to be rededicated only one small jar of oil could be found to use for the lamp It took eight days to obtain more oil for the lamp but the lamp remained burning the entire time
Two Messianic Hanukkah Devotionals The Messianic Light ~ Hanukkah is almost here Each of the eight nights will begin with the lighting of the Hanukkiah and here are a couple of devotional guides for Messianic believers as we celebrate Yeshua the Light of the World during this Festival of Lights Light Of Yeshua A Chanukah Devotional Guide for Messianic Believers By Tenya Sharp Ingalls
Finding Jesus In Hanakkuh This eightday reading plan ~ As we journey from Thanksgiving’s gratitude for provision to Christmas’ joy of our Savior’s birth there are many who do so by celebrating Hanukkah This eightday journey uncovers the glory of Jesus through oil and light the symbols at the center of all Hanukkah celebrations
Jesus and Hanukkah ~ Did you know that Jesus celebrated Hanukkah Here’s a Christian perspective on Hanukkah for kids Click here to see the minidevotional that goes with this
Hanukkah Bringing More Light into the World ~ Jewish families celebrate for eight days to commemorate the Hanukkah miracle after the Jews had purified the Temple in the winter of 164 BC they could find only a small jar of oil essential in
Hanukkah The Festival of Lights – Jews for Jesus ~ Hanukkah celebrates the rededication of the Temple after its defilement under Antiochus 1 Maccabees 459 tells us “Then Judas and his brothers and all the assembly of Israel determined that every year at that season the days of dedication of the altar should be observed with joy and gladness for eight days
Christ in the Feast of Hanukkah – Jews for Jesus ~ Many believe that a more likely reason why we celebrate Hanukkah for eight days is that the Maccabees upon recapturing Jerusalem conducted a belated Feast of Tabernacles celebration Remember Solomon himself had chosen that very same Feast of Tabernacles to dedicate the Temple when it was newly built
Did Jesus Celebrate Christmas or Hanukkah Chosen People ~ During Hanukkah we celebrate how God provided light in the Temple for eight nights However how appropriate it is to also remember the Light of the World through whom we have the Light of Life Jn 812 If God had not intervened during the first Hanukkah a Jewish virgin would not have given
Jesus and Hanukkah John 102223 HuffPost ~ It was winter and Jesus was walking in the temple in Solomon’s portico” John 102223 John’s Gospel is probably the fourth of the four extant firstcentury Gospels It is John’s Gospel that reports that Jesus came to Jerusalem for the festival of dedication — that is Hanukkah
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